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Avondale House and Forest Park Redevelopment – Forestry Works Now Underway

  Coillte, in partnership with Fáilte Ireland, are excited to announce the commencement works to re-develop Avondale Forest Park and House into a state-of-the-art visitor destination are now underway. The first phase of construction is set to begin in May, subject to Covid-19 restrictions, with an opening date of the newly re-developed Avondale House and &hellip

Coillte urges the public not to light outdoor fires – Easter potentially a high risk time for forest fire outbreaks

Damage and clean up cost of fires €1.3M in 2020 Almost all forest fires are man made   The Department of Agriculture, Food & the Marine has issued a Status Yellow forest fire warning nationwide from March 1 until September 1 – the traditional fire outbreak season in Ireland. With warmer and dryer Spring weather, &hellip

Coillte welcomes National Tree Week – research reveals 9/10 Irish adults like trees, reminding them of nature’s beauty and lifting their spirits

70% of Irish adults say forests are more important during Covid – providing a mental and physical wellness boost 3/4 of Irish adults have pleasant childhood memories of visiting their local forest with family or friends and picnicking   22 March, 2021: A Coillte commissioned RED C survey* to celebrate National Tree Week, March 21 &hellip

Visitor numbers triple to Coillte’s local forests during Covid lockdown

2.2 million visits to Coillte’s most popular local forests since March, 2020 Top ten forest locations include: Dublin, Monaghan, Kildare, Wexford… Date: 16 February, 2021   Coillte reveals visitor numbers to some of its most popular recreational forests have doubled to tripled since lockdown began last year, depending on location. Overall, visitor numbers to the &hellip

Coillte Gift Native Trees to ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Award Winners for 2020

  Friday December 4th 2020 Coillte Gift Native Trees to ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Award Winners for 2020 Coillte are delighted to partner with ECO-UNESCO for this year’s Young Environmentalist Awards – gifting over 100 native saplings to this year’s winners. ECO-UNESCO’s Young Environmentalist Awards (YEA) is an all-Ireland environmental awards programme that recognises and rewards young &hellip