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Coillte delivers EBITDA of €106m and operating cash of €43m in challenging 2023 market environment

Coillte delivers EBITDA of €106m and operating cash of €43m in challenging 2023 market environment   Solid financial performance against the backdrop of weak consumer-related demand resulting in lower prices Overall financial outturn a decline on recent highs but fourth highest financial performance in Coillte’s history Forestry Estate Strategic Land Use Plan 2023-2050 published Almost &hellip

Storm Kathleen – Coillte Urges Forest Users To Exercise Caution

Thursday 4th April: Coillte advises all users of forest lands including its staff, contractors and members of the public, to exercise caution if entering forest lands during this weather warning as storm Kathleen approaches.   Met Éireann has issued the following weather warning; Status Orange – Wind warning for Cork, Kerry, Galway, Mayo and Waterford &hellip

CCF Operations in Carrickgollogan and Barnaslingan Forests

A forest thinning will commence the middle of March at Carrickgollogan as part of Continuous Cover Forestry (CCF) management in northern section of this woodland. The thinning operation will take 2-3 weeks. Some areas are now ready for their first thinning intervention to begin the CCF transformation process, while other areas with older trees will &hellip

Coillte Launches Nationwide Primary School Photography Competition as it Gears up for National Tree Week

‘Planting Trees for a Greener Future’ is the theme of National Tree Week 2024 organised by the Tree Council of Ireland in partnership with Coillte   Schools’ photography competition aimed at encouraging children to explore nature and understand the importance of trees in protecting our planet ~ click here to enter Four winners will be &hellip

Coillte launches new scholarship programme to promote forestry as a career and help tackle projected skills shortage in the sector

1,770* new forestry and wood processing jobs will be required to fulfil Ireland’s Forest Strategy, many realised by Coillte   More than half of young people see themselves as suited to a career in forestry – RED C Research survey for Coillte   Additional RED C Research highlights: Men (61%) show higher suitability and consideration &hellip