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The National Parks and Wildlife Service teams up with Coillte to tackle wildfires using Innovative Drone Technology

The National Parks and Wildlife Service teams up with Coillte to tackle wildfires using Innovative Drone Technology The National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) and Coillte to join forces to combat the spread of wildfires on open land and in forests. Drone technology to be used for the first time in Ireland to survey areas &hellip

Coillte Asks Public to be Vigilant and Exercise Care as National Forest Fire Warning in Place

Tuesday 14th May 2019: The Department of Agriculture has issued an ORANGE alert warning for forest fires to this Friday 17th May due to current dry conditions and forecast high temperatures. Arising from current Easterly high pressure weather conditions, forecast high temperatures and low relative humidity levels, a High Fire Risk exists in all areas where hazardous fuels such as gorse, heather, &hellip

Minister Launches 2019 Green Ribbon Walk and Talk Campaign

Pictured Left to Right: Charlie Burke (Coillte), Hazel Brennan (See Change) Jim Daly (Minister For Mental Health), Joe Healy (IFA) Jill O’ Herlihy (Mental Health Ireland) and Caroline Farrell (IFA) Minister for Mental Health Jim Daly launched the 2019 Green Ribbon Campaign.  This year a series of forest walks are happening right across the country encouraging people &hellip

Coillte’s Cratloe Wood Successful at RDS Forestry Awards

    Coillte’s Cratloe Wood Successful at RDS Forestry Awards Coillte’s Cratloe Wood was voted the winner of the National RDS forestry awards under the Multipurpose Forestry category this year. The Multipurpose Forestry category is open to individuals and organisations that are expanding or developing existing or new forest habitats through natural and environmentally sensitive &hellip

Plant for Our Planet: Minister Halligan celebrates National Tree Week with MEDITE SMARTPLY

    Plant for Our Planet: Minister Halligan celebrates National Tree Week with MEDITE SMARTPLY Minister John Halligan, Minister of State for Training, Skills, Innovation, Research and Development celebrates Tree Week 2019 with MEDITE SMARTPLY in Co Waterford Minister encourages the public to ‘Plant for our Planet’. By doing something as simple as planting a &hellip