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Minister Creed appoints Ms. Bernie Gray as Chairperson of Coillte

Minister Creed appoints Ms. Bernie Gray as Chairperson of Coillte The Minister for Agriculture, Food and the Marine, Michael Creed T.D., today announced that he has appointed Ms. Bernie Gray as Chairperson of Coillte for a five year period. Ms. Gray was appointed following a competitive process conducted by the Public Appointments Service (PAS) in &hellip

Planting for our Planet – Play your part and help combat climate change during National Tree Week 2019

The Tree Council of Ireland and Forest Industries Ireland want everyone to get involved and ‘Plant for our Planet’ during National Tree Week 2019  Forest Industries Ireland (FII) is delighted to sponsor National Tree Week for the first time this year This year’s theme is “Planting for our Planet”. By doing something as simple as &hellip

Coillte announces record revenues and operating cash for 2017

Coillte, Ireland’s largest commercial forestry and land solutions company, today announced its annual results for the financial year ended 31 December 2017. Coillte reported another record year of transformation and growth. The company delivered a strong financial performance in 2017 and exceeded each of its key strategic performance metrics.    Most notably Coillte doubled its operating &hellip

Coillte signs a new charter of commitment to restore Ireland’s natural habitats & announces a €500,000 investment for native woodland restoration in Co Sligo

Coillte signs a new charter of commitment to restore Ireland’s natural habitats & announces a €500,000 investment for native woodland restoration in Co Sligo   Coillte signs ‘Our Seeds for Nature’ Charter at the National Biodiversity Conference 2019 to continue to strengthen its commitment to protecting Ireland’s most fragile nature reserves Senior Government leaders, state &hellip

Coillte and Fáilte Ireland welcome funding announcement to deliver a major boost to Ireland’s mountain biking community

Coillte and Fáilte Ireland welcome funding announcement to deliver a major boost to Ireland’s mountain biking community   Minister announces a €13.6M funding package under the Rural Regeneration and Development Fund to support Ireland’s mountain biking community Funding set to firmly establish Ireland as one of the top mountain biking destinations in the world Limerick, Cork, &hellip