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Construction works to begin for Avondale house and forest park redevelopment. 

May, 10, 2021: Construction works to begin for Avondale house and forest park redevelopment.  Coillte, in partnership with Fáilte Ireland, are pleased to announce the commencement of construction works to re-develop Avondale Forest Park and House into a state-of-the-art visitor destination in the coming weeks. With the lifting of Covid-19 restrictions on non-essential construction the &hellip

Coillte’s car parks to open at 4am Saturday May 8th for Pieta’s darkness into light walks

  Coillte is pleased to announce that all Coillte carparks will open at 04:00 AM on Saturday, May 8th 2021 in support of the annual Pieta House Darkness Into Light event. This year, as participants cannot gather at their usual Darkness Into Light locations, supporters are being asked instead to take part in the event at a time and &hellip