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Coillte to convert Knockranny Wood in Westport County Mayo to recreational Woodland.

  Knockranny, known locally as Colonels wood, will be developed by Coillte as a ‘NeighbourWood’, into an accessible, close-to-home woodland amenity. The wood will be developed in partnership with local people and other interested groups, for public use and enjoyment. The restoration of the property to a native forest will be silviculturally and ecologically significant. &hellip

Coillte Delivers Record Financial Performance in 2018

Coillte delivers record financial performance in 2018 Operating cash flow doubles to €60m in 2018 Record revenues (€330m) and EBITDA (€115m) Operating profit increased by 47% to €71.5m Wednesday 1 May, 2019: Coillte, Ireland’s largest forestry and land solutions company, today announced its annual results for 2018. The company delivered record earnings before interest, tax, &hellip

Coillte Nature Announces Dublin Mountains Forests Conversion Plan and Seeks Your Views

Coillte Nature,  a new not for profit entity within Coillte has a mandate to target the delivery of new woodlands facilitating species diversity, biodiversity and carbon sequestration as part of the Government’s National Forestry Programme.  An inaugural project of Coillte Nature is the Dublin Mountains Conversion plan, to gradually, over the next 30 to 40 &hellip

Coillte establishes a new not for profit entity, Coillte Nature

Coillte has established a new not for profit entity, Coillte Nature, which will focus on the environment and recreational forests.  Coillte Nature will target the delivery of new woodlands facilitating species diversity, biodiversity and carbon sequestration as part of the Government’s National Forestry Programme.  The establishment of Coillte Nature will also see the conversion of &hellip