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Coillte Announce the Successful Sale of our Share of our Operating Wind farms to Greencoat Renewables

Coillte sells its operating wind farm assets to Greencoat Renewables plc for an Enterprise Value of €281m Equity price achieved of €136.1 million, above Coillte’s original target of €125 million Coillte had invested a total of €25m equity in these four wind farms over past 4 years Capital raised to be recycled back into the &hellip

Coillte Host Biodiversity Breakfast Seminar

Coillte highlights the need for long-term investment into key biodiversity sites Coillte launches ‘BioClass’, a new tool for recording and reporting biodiversity areas of value on the Coillte estate Since 2000, Coillte has restored 2,300ha of native forests and 3,300ha of raised bog and blanket bog habitats Coillte, Ireland’s largest commercial forestry and land solutions &hellip

Community Celebrates official opening of Coillte’s New Mountain Bike Trail in the Ballyhouras

Over 100 people attend opening & family fun day Over 100 members of the public and local community groups gathered at Coillte’s Ballhoura Mountain Bike Trail on Saturday 25th August for the official opening of the latest mountain bike trail in the complex. .  The new trail was funded by the community development fund of &hellip

Coillte and NPWS Host Biodiversity Information Day on Raised Bog Restoration

Coillte, in partnership with the National Parks and Wildlife Service, host Biodiversity Information Day on raised bog restoration. Coillte and the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS), of the Department of Culture, Heritage and the Gaeltacht, hosted a Biodiversity Information Day in County Galway, to showcase raised bog restoration works on Coillte lands. Members of &hellip

Coillte Reminds Public to Exercise Extreme Care as National Forest Fire Warning Remains in Place

Tuesday July  10th 2018:  The Department of Agriculture’s RED alert warning for forest fires remain in place until Wednesday  11th July due to current dry conditions and forecast high temperatures. The Department advise at this point that all outdoor use of fires, barbeques and other open ignition sources be avoided on forest lands and in other &hellip

Coillte Extends Public Warning to Exercise Extreme Care as National Forest Fire Warning Extended into Next Week

Friday 6th July 2018:  The Department of Agriculture has extended the RED alert warning for forest fires to remain in place until Wednesday Friday 11th July due to current dry conditions and forecast high temperatures. The Department advise at this point that all outdoor use of fires, barbeques and other open ignition sources be avoided on forest &hellip