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Fact Sheet, Press Release and Q&A: Gresham House launches Irish forestry fund with Coillte and ISIF to drive afforestation in Ireland

Fact Sheet We are aware of the concerns that have been expressed about Coillte’s involvement with the Irish Strategic Forestry Fund (ISFF) and Gresham House. There has been a lot of misinformation reported and we welcome the opportunity to clarify the facts on the need to create new forests in Ireland and Coillte’s response to &hellip

Coillte Nature and the National Parks and Wildlife Service to Undertake Sand Dune Restoration at the Raven Nature Reserve, Curracloe, Co. Wexford

Coillte Nature and the National Parks and Wildlife Service (NPWS) are teaming up to carry out biodiversity restoration works at the Raven Nature Reserve, Curracloe, Co. Wexford. The works to restore precious sand dune habitats at the Raven Nature Reserve are expected to start on Mon 16th January with some temporary restrictions on access to &hellip

Coillte Opens New Recreation and Nature Trail at Moanbaun Woods County Cork

  Coillte’s Moanbaun Woods now has an upgraded nature trail, new picnic furniture and a new car park for all to enjoy. The nature trail will offer visitors an exciting interactive experience as they walk through the forest using digital QR codes with links to historical information bringing the journey to life. These new additions &hellip

Coillte CEO Imelda Hurley Reflects on Winning ‘Businessperson of the Year Award’ at the Business and Finance Awards 2022

This award honours people who have had a significant impact and achievement in Irish business Imelda described on the night as ‘an advocate for sustainable business practices and a leader in sustainability discussions’       December 2022: Coillte CEO Imelda Hurley was the recipient of the coveted Businessperson of the Year award at the &hellip