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The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte Kick-Off Ireland’s National Tree Week 2022

    What Wood We Do Without Trees? The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte Kick-Off Ireland’s National Tree Week 2022 in the Botanic Gardens President of the Tree Council of Ireland and broadcaster Eanna Ní Lamhna and renowned tree expert Thomas Pakenham were joined by guests to announce the launch of National Tree Week &hellip

Foresters of the Future: Coillte Partners with Kilkenny based Duiske College to Give Students an Insight into Woodland Work

  16 March 2022 Coillte, Ireland’s semi-state forestry company and Duiske College in Graiguenamanagh, Co. Kilkenny have recently joined together to take part in the Business Action on Education initiative, a nationwide scheme co-ordinated by Business in the Community (BITC), which aims to develop partnerships between schools and businesses in Ireland in support of educational &hellip

The Tree Council of Ireland and Coillte Officially Launch Ireland’s National Tree Week 2022

President of the Tree Council of Ireland and broadcaster Eanna Ní Lamhna and Coillte CEO Imelda Hurley were joined by students from the Sacred Heart Senior National School, Tallaght to announce the launch of National Tree Week 2022 This year’s theme is ‘More Forests for a Greener Future’ and aims to raise awareness of the &hellip

Coillte/HSE/Western Forestry Co-op/Sligo County Council and Minister Pippa Hackett Turns Sod on Cloonamahon Native Woodland Park

21st February 2021.  Pippa Hackett Minister of State for Biodiversity and Land Use at the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine officially “Turned the Sod” and planted the first tree to mark the development of the 105 acre Native Woodland Park, Sligo.  This site is being 100% funded by the Department of Agriculture Food &hellip

Coillte and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce Announce the Delivery of Six Outdoor Based Forest Classrooms

You Better Be-Leaf It Coillte and the Environmental Education Unit of An Taisce Announce the Delivery of Six Outdoor Based Forest Classrooms Tuesday, 1st February 2022 Coillte and the Environmental Education Unit (EEU) of An Taisce are delighted to announce the delivery of six new An Choill Bheags (little woodlands) in primary and secondary schools across &hellip

Coillte are proud to announce a new partnership with The Trinity Centre for People with Intellectual Disabilities

The TCPID, which sits within the School of Education at Trinity College Dublin, aims to promote the inclusion of people with intellectual disabilities in education and society. The core mission of the TCPID is to address the significant educational and societal barriers experienced by people with intellectual disabilities through the provision of an innovative high-quality &hellip