Public Consultation on Coillte’s Draft Forest Estate Strategic Land-Use Plan (FESLUP) is Now Closed and Final Reports are Available


In April 2022 Coillte launched a new and ambitious strategic vision for our future forest estate, which aims to sustainably balance and deliver the multiple benefits of Ireland’s state forests across four strategic pillars: climate, nature, wood and people. Following consultation on our strategic vision, feedback was considered and incorporated into the design of a more detailed draft Forest Estate Strategic Land Use Plan.

The public consultation phase of Coillte’s draft Forest Estate Strategic Land-Use Plan (FESLUP) is now closed and Coillte would like to thank those who made submissions to the draft plan.

A Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was undertaken on the draft Forest Estate Strategic Land Use Plan. The SEA process, through formal consultation and engagement, facilitated further stakeholder feedback to be considered and used to inform the development of this final Forest Estate Strategic Land Use Plan. This Plan is firmly grounded in scientific principles and aims to sustainably balance and deliver the multiple benefits of Ireland’s state forests.

Coillte’s ambition is to create new forests and effectively manage our existing forests for greater carbon capture and provide more habitats to enhance biodiversity. We will support the creation of new homes by delivering sustainable Irish wood products and also aim to increase the number of beautiful forest recreation spaces for everyone to enjoy.


A copy of the Final FESLUP, and associated reports may be found at the links below:


Link to: Coillte’s FESLUP Report

Link to: Appropriate Assessment Determination Statement

Link to: Consultation Response Report

Link to: FESLUP Strategic Environmental Assessment Statement

Link to: FESLUP Strategic Environmental Assessment Report

Link to: FESLUP Post Consultation Screening for Appropriate Assessment and Natura Impact Statement





This consultation was carried out in accordance with the requirements of S.I. No. 435 of 2004 (European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) Regulations 2004, as amended by S.I. No. 200 of 2011 (European Communities (Environmental Assessment of Certain Plans and Programmes) (Amendment) Regulations 2011), a Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) was carried out in respect of the draft FESLUP, and an SEA Environmental Report has been prepared. Further, in accordance with Article 6(3) and 6(4) of the Habitats Directive, an Appropriate Assessment was carried out in respect of the draft FESLUP, and an ‘Appropriate Assessment Screening & NIS Report’ has been prepared.