
In Coillte, we take our responsibility as custodian of 440,000 hectares of land, seriously. Our vision is to create a sustainable future for all . Our stakeholders are individuals, groups or organisations who could be directly affected by our activities in the communities in which we operate, right across Ireland.

We are committed to delivering the multiple benefits of our forests to society for climate, nature, wood and people and to leaving an enriched resource for the next generation.

We have an open forest policy through which we encourage people to visit and enjoy our forests and we consult with communities about our plans.


Strategy Development

Coillte’s forestry strategic vision aims to sustainably balance and deliver multiple benefits from its forests across four strategic pillars: climate, nature, wood, and people. In December 2023, following public consultation and a Strategic Environmental Assessment, Coillte’s Forest Estate Strategic Land-Use Plan (FESLUP) was published.

Having determined the most material sustainability issues and finalised the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) profile of Coillte’s existing managed forest estate, and Coillte’s business emissions, Coillte is in the process of developing a set of near-term sustainability metrics and KPI’s which will measure the organisation’s progress against key sustainability objectives. This work is expected to be completed in 2024.

Contribution to Sustainable Development 

Coillte uses the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals as a foundation for its sustainability framework. The 17 SDGs were adopted by all United Nations member states in 2015 as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. They were created to provide a shared strategic direction for member states to enable peace, equality and prosperity for people and the planet now and into the future.

The materiality assessment process identified that the forestry sector, including Coillte, supports ten out of the 17 UN SDGs. The organisation recognises that it has a particularly significant impact on climate action and clean energy, good health and wellbeing, and life on land, as well as providing economic growth through the production of innovative and sustainable timber products. Those benefits are summarised by the four pillar objectives of: forests for climate, forests for nature, forests for wood and forests for people.

In accordance with section 26(2) of the Disability Act 2005, Coillte has appointed Access Officers to act as points of contact for people with disabilities who wish to access services provided by Coillte.

The Access Officer is responsible for providing or arranging for, and co-ordinating assistance and guidance, to persons with disabilities accessing such services.

You can full details of Coillte’s Acess Officers here


What we are doing

Corporate Social Responsibility is at the heart of everything we…

Our Consultation

We have an open programme of consultation around both our…

Our Commitment

Our Commitment to communities which are close to, or which…

Community Benefits

We have developed a bespoke wind farm Community Benefit Scheme…