Recreation Proposals

Proposals for Recreation developments on Coillte lands

Coillte welcomes proposals for developments on its lands, where those proposals add value to it’s existing recreation offering. These proposals can include new and upgraded trails and recreation sites, picnic areas, etc.

We work in partnership with Failte Ireland, Department of Rural and Community Development, Local Authorities, Local Development Companies and Community groups across the country, to develop, manage and maintain our recreation sites and trails.

The starting point for any proposed development is to complete a questionnaire about your proposal and send it to Coillte. We will respond in due course and engage further where the proposal is seen to add value to our forest recreation offering.

So please complete the questionnaire and email the completed form to

Due to the high level of proposals on hand, allow at least 3 months from submission of request to approval (and letter of support for funding). Please note that any request that does not go through this process will not be supported by Coillte.